Diamond Leaf Finance has a refined, efficient process to make financing decisions and closings occur quickly.
Our typical process includes the following steps.

1. Obtain Secure Login Credentials

Contact Diamond Leaf Finance through our Login page. We will promptly provide you with login credentials that will provide you with access to application materials and clear instructions.

2. Application Completion

Whether purchase or lease financing, complete the application with the information required. Make sure that you provide all of the requested information and submit a completed application. The application must be signed by an authorized representative of the commercial party making the application.

3. Application Submission

Upload the completed application and all required documentation to Diamond Leaf Finance through our secure client portal at our Login. If you have questions or desire to receive and/or submit an application and required documentation using an alternative means, contact us. Within one business day we will acknowledge receipt of your submitted application and documentation.

4. Approval Decision

For financing requests under $75,000, we will do our best to provide a financing decision within one business day of our receipt of a complete application packet. For financing requests between $75,000 and $100 million, we will do our best to provide a financing decision within five business days of our receipt of a complete application packet. For financing requests over $100 million please contact us.

5. Approval

We will contact you with the financing decision by telephone or email. In the event of an approval, additional documents will be prepared and forwarded for execution based on whether you elected and were approved for purchase or lease financing. All document packages will include clear and thorough instructions regarding processing and submission.

6. Closing

Payment to the vendor for the purchased or leased green technology products typically will occur within two business days of our receipt of all properly completed and signed documentation. In the case of lease financing, the lease will commence with the verification of the green technology product delivery and acceptance.

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